Friday, July 15, 2011

A Topeka We Go... 071810

And yet another blast from the past...

Way back when... Again when I was still at ASC, chat rooms where the thing. So, I was chatting with this girl, somewhere. For whatever reason, she found out I was a Christian so decided that I had to talk to this one guy, because he was a really strong Christian. It took several attempts before we were both online at the same time, but finally we connected.

Jeremy was (is) a Christian and we hit it off right away. After several conversations (that I don't remember) a couple of ASC friends and I decided that we should take a road trip to Kansas to meet Jeremy. He lived in Topeka at the time, so we found a long weekend ... and we went.

I wish the pictures from that trip were digital, because some of them are (still) very funny. But, suffice to say, since I was passing by anyway, on a lark, I decided to stop back by the capital, since that's one of the places we went.

I don't know why, but I really like capital buildings. I happen to think Topeka's is particularly beautiful. Or maybe it's just a warm and fuzzy memory that makes it so. Anyway.

When I was in Topeka the first time, we (Marcos Trujillo, Sarah Brockman, Jeremy Albert and I) goofed off along the
front steps of the capital. Unfortunately, when I went back, that section was under construction.

I couldn't get to the exact spot where we were, but this is pretty close.

I don't know what else I can say about this stop. Especially without the other pictures here to be laughed at. It is amazing how different the place looks in the daylight too. (Yes, it was late and dark the night we were there. Guess that was obvious.)

Oh... Here's a fun memory: when we were driving around that night, we decided to stop at McDonald's for dinner. Sarah ordered a big mac. We were well away before we realized that they shorted her a patty. Naturally this resulted in new levels of "stupid" comments. Now instead of being a few cards short a deck, we created the big mac short a patty. Good times!

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