Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Begin at the beginning...

I decided a few days ago that I would use some time off that was already scheduled to take a solo-trip. Now, I've done the back and forth to college trips. I've done a couple of group mission trips. I've even done the family vacation trips. I have not, however ever taken a true solo-trip.

A friend suggested that I drive, see the countryside. I must admit, that idea has taken root... so now I'm going to drive.

Of course, I'm not exactly giving myself a lot of time to figure out exactly where I'm going. I've thought of a couple of places I want to visit. I'll even stop by and see some family (if they're available, of course). But my next step: go out and buy a map of the U.S. to figure out exactly where I'm going.

I have two weeks to play with. This is going to be fun. I hope you'll come with me on this journey. A place for me, where the destination is the journey... and vice versa.

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