Sunday, July 18, 2010

So Much To Do, So Little Time...

Day 2, Miles Traveled:
I'm not sure. I got here late and forgot to take the mileage off of my car. I'll have to update this tomorrow, thought I'm sure my figure is somewhere over 600. Any bets on if I'm right?

There was so much that happened today, that it will take several blogs to cover it. I know I don't want to be here that long. I'm sure you don't either.

Suffice to say, there was a bit of a rough start to this morning. I didn't realize when I went to bed last night that my phone hadn't figured out that we switched time-zones. So when I told it that I wanted to get up at 6:00am, it actually woke me up at 5:00am local time. On top of that, I didn't get to bed until almost 1:00am. Which meant that I got about 4 hours of sleep before being so rudely awakened.

Now, if you know me, you know I don't wake up so well in the mornings. For example, I have trouble getting to work (outside of tax season, mind you) by 8:00am. For whatever reason, my brain seems to doubly disconnect first thing in the morning. So I'm actually sometimes standing up (not sure why) staring at my alarm clock, trying to figure out what it is, let alone what I'm doing standing in front of it.

Fortunately, even with all of the drama of trying to figure out what time it was and when I really had to get up. (Once we got past the "just 5 more minutes" phase. I even turned on the TV at one point just to find a weather channel in hopes that it would tell me what time it really was!) I made it to breakfast just in time to get a couple of "old fashioned" style donuts (without the glaze) and an orange. (Tomorrow I've been promised biscuits and gravy. I can't wait, that's my total favorite!)

Wow. I've now tried three times to get this measly blog done, so I'm going to call it a night. They only promised me WiFi. They didn't promise that it would be fast! (Can I also say that it's odd to me that the time stamp on this is around 11:15pm, when the clock I'm looking at says 12:45am? How can they be an hour and a half different?)

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