Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Musings - "Vacation" as a Mind-set

I have decided that there is a mind-set that must be put on when "vacation" is in the air. It's one that I've found myself employing as vacation dates approach.

First there is the miserly mind-set. You save and save and save, just to be able to afford going to that destination hot-spot (for one miserable week out of the year).

Then, the dates start to approach; getting closer and closer. So you start the planning phase. This is the one that is different than figuring out where you're going. I mean, most people, when they're going to Disney, the know that a long time in advance. So the phase that I'm talking about is the one where you're picking out the particular route. You're coming up with the lists of things that you'll need. And as each day dawns, you're scratching off items and re-writing lists.

Then you're a week, or a couple of days away. Suddenly, all the planning and scrimping and saving is paying off. Suddenly you can see the very bright light at the end of the dark tunnel. You get to go on a trip. You get to take a break from reality (although, amazingly "reality" is always waiting right there for you to come back. But that's a depressing muse for another day.)

I don't know about most of you, but when I get to the "days away" point in the vacationing process, it's like there's this switch that gets turned on (or off, depending on how you view things) in my head. For me, suddenly, it's "no holds barred." I'm on "vacation mode." Typically this means that I get to start eating out more often. Or I get to buy more stuff that I'll "need" for the trip. I mean, I'm in vacation mode. If I actually were on the road, or in another city, I would have to buy this, that or the other. I wouldn't have home base to come to at night. It's all vacation from here until I get back.

How stupid is that? So, instead of just spending the normal amount of money that I would while out of town, I end up spending much more, just because of this vacation mode short-circuit-ry in my head. Wow. I am so glad I'm not in that mode this time.

Here we are, 4 days before I leave, and I'm eating PB&J for lunch and cereal for dinner. Mostly because I just don't want to think about it and those items are easy. However, I was out running errands at lunch today, I could have easily picked up something fast-food. But I didn't. I didn't even spend any money while doing my errands (I mean, aside from the gas that was spent.) How cool is that? I went to the Library and borrowed some books on tape. I don't think I'll have to think a single thought while I'm gone. And I got an "Auto Emergency Kit." Which was a freebie out of a coupon book I bought several months back. Thank God it was free! I can't imagine spending the $60 that they say it's worth on this. Seriously, it's a cheap flashlight, a camera, without any film, a couple of batteries, and so far as I can tell, lots of words and phone numbers on how to reach them. I think I could have easily come up with a better kit on my own. But I digress...

The point is, there is this mystical and imagined mind-set that is so easy to adopt, just because I'm going on vacation. I can't very well say that I appreciate the views that society has placed upon me. (At least, I hope it's coming from "them." I'd hate to think that I were at fault for this poor thinking! ;)) Then again, the gods of consumerism say we must spend, spend, spend to be happy. I think I like that I'm learning that happiness can also be found in a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

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