Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Little Drama Adds Some Flair...

No sooner have I committed to the decision to take a trip on my own that my computer's hard drive crashes. It would also figure that it was the day after I had finally followed through with the decision to unplug my dinosaur desktop computer. Why not? So, for the last few days, and for a few more to come, I will be without my home computer. I have contacted Dell. I have received the confirmation that a new hard drive is on it's way. What lay's ahead is to replace my hard drive and reinstall all of the programs and data that was on my previous one. (Apparently this is a customer replaceable part. I guess I'm more of an I.T. wiz than I thought. Who knew?) Fortunately for me, a couple of months back I took the leap and purchased an external hard drive. Laptop users, I cannot emphasize enough how much this is going to save my hide. I would completely recommend investing in an external hard drive. You never know when you'll accidentally drop your computer, while trying to download some video of fireworks to Facebook. I'm just sayin'....

The other day, I broke the news to my mom about this trip that I'm going to take. The first thing she said was: "You're going to sleep in hotels by yourself?" Nah, I thought I'd find a stranger to keep me company. (No, I didn't actually say that to her.) She didn't seem very happy about this plan of mine. Which could explain why she quickly changed the subject on me. It did come up later though, when she asked where I would be going. I mentioned going to see some relatives in MN. (A little background to this discussion: My mom has apparently been planning to take a trip to visit her sister in MN. I found out about it a couple of days before I decided to take my trip. I asked when my mom was planning on going, thinking I could join her. When I got more full dates than empty ones in response, I figured if I wanted to do something, it best be on my own.) Just how far are you going? is another question I've gotten. Oh, and she kindly "reminded" me that I don't like long car trips. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Now I'm beginning to think that my mom is just jealous that she can't up and take the time off to join me. I would be jealous too, if she were the one going. In fact, I was the jealous one the last time she went to MN, the time she went to Seattle and the one where she went to Branson. Huh, I guess I'm due.

The other thing that I'm totally causing drama with is my sister. I actually had the gall to ask if she'd reschedule a jewelry party that has been on the calendar for a month! Can you believe it? In my defense, I really would like to go to her party... and I would like to go visit my brother on my way out of town. And I really want to take a full two weeks on the road. (I'm selfish, but we'll get over that.) The only way to do both, the party and the visit, is to move one. Since my brother's visits are strictly enforced, I figured I had to ask about my sister's party. She's a gem. She's already trying to figure out other dates that will work.

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