Thursday, July 8, 2010

It Only Takes A New Hard Drive to Make Me Happy...

Right Now, Dell is high on my "I appreciate you" list. Seriously.

Tuesday was just one of those days for me. I had basically been away from work for 4 almost consecutive days. (The exception was the few hours I had to go in on Friday, while I acted as our office tech support. Ha!) So basically, Tuesday morning was a bit busy.

I spent 45 minutes of my hour lunch break on the phone with Dell support, while they tried to tell me what was wrong with my computer. I'm impressed that the gal figured it out so quickly. At least, I think that's what she said. Her accent was a little thick. Then again, if I had been as cool of an IT geek as I sometimes like to pretend, I might have been able to figure out that my hard drive was my problem. After all, the error that I got (that told me it would help Dell support to figure out what was wrong with my computer) said: "Hard drive self test unsuccessful." Oh, is that what it meant?

Thank God I had actually gone ahead and extended the warranty on my computer a month before. Thank God I had gone ahead and bought the external hard drive, and had actually been performing regular back-ups of my C drive. Can we say providencial? (Can I say again how much I recommend laptop owners utilizing this wonderful invention? Namely the external hard drive.)

Before I was off the phone with my new favorite tech supporter, she told me they were going to send me a new hard drive. Apparently this is a "customer replaceable part." So I was more than capable to not need to call tech support for the removal and replacement of a couple of screws. (I really did appreciate the vote of confidence she gave me.) She also told me that it would be Thursday or Friday before I saw my new parts. Bummer. I mean, it could have been much worse, but my computer was down since Sunday night. I really do a lot more with it than even I was aware. I mean, my Netflix subscription alone was going through withdrawals.

Amazingly, I got the email that the new hard drive was on it's way before the end of the day on Tuesday. Really? I was told that it wouldn't be shipped today. Cool. Or is it just a mis-print? I don't want to get my hopes up too high.

Wednesday, I checked the tracking and discovered that FedEx said my package was on a truck and ready for delivery. No stinkin' way! Before I even went to lunch, my package had arrived. Woo-hoo! I literally wanted to call or email my new Dell friend to thank her for being so helpful and putting a "rush" on my delivery.

So... of course, I went home Wednesday night and worked on installing my new hardware. Except for the time it took, I don't think I've had so much fun in a while. Now, we are up and running, and ready for all the blogging I plan to do on my trip. Woo-hoo again!

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